Go Gray Or Go Home

I've been thinking about making a big change  for a while now.  I've done the old decision making two-step.  You know how it goes...yippee woo hoo Oh yeah let's do this... I'm all in today, then tomorrow I'm thinking nah, nope, no way it ain't gonna happen.   Sheesh I'm so stinkin female!  

 I can't really hide the decision though because it's already becoming VERY evident!  I'm letting the gray hair grow in.  UGH  I just said that out loud didn't I? It's getting real over here.   I have been  at  the point where I had to go get the touch ups done every four weeks and even then that last week I'm using root touch up sprays to keep the skunk line in check.  Man...do I ever hate that skunk line.  I  know for sure that I'm gonna laugh/cry/cheer and question myself all the  way through this decision  but as of right now I'm excited.  I've been coloring my hair for so long that it has become illusive as to what my real natural color actually looks like. I have never colored for coloring sake. I've always just colored to cover grey.  I have always loved my dark hair.  I vaguely remember what it looked like because of  a few pictures and by looking at my sons hair.  He has my dark coloring.  I found a picture of my dark hair before I ever colored and also my short hair days.  Don't mock my 30 year old self.  She was young and loved her eyebrows and bright red lipstick! ;)

This is my short hair don't care phase.  I guess now I'm going with grey hair don't care. 

It's not an easy decision for me.  I was so grateful that my husband compassionately called it for me and said I know this is going to be hard for you but I totally understand your reasoning.  He told me I always look beautiful and grey hair won't change that.  I'm so thankful  to be growing old with him.   I just don't want the upkeep anymore.  I'm kinda ready to embrace my inner grandma and learn to love what is underneath all that hair dye.  I don't have the beautiful small strands of grey coming in light beautiful highlights. If I did this would not be an issue.   NOPE.  I have the skunk look.  Think Cruella Deville.  That's  what's going on up top right now.  

I'm working on tips to help ease the pain.  I'm reading blogs, I've joined Going Gray Gracefully FB groups.  I'm just about ready to get into grey haired group therapy. haha   I did get some of my hair (minus the current grey new growth) lightened some just to ease myself into it.  The mirror is not my friend right now.  I'm not one to freak out over things easily.  So I will say I've found some humor in it.  I also realize this decision will  be met with some unsolicited remarks.  If you have an opinion and are gonna say it to me, be prepared I'm ready for you.  LOL  Just kidding.  To each his own.  I'll  support you as you dye and ask for a little  support as I wade through this painful phase of becoming a white haired little old lady.  Who  knows what the heck is under all this brown?   I'm curious and prepared for it.  

If I was a natural  blonde this would be so much easier.  Man you blondes are lucky.  My silver shows up like someone is shining a bright light on the top of my skunk line revealing all my flaws.  It will  get worse before it gets better.  Come on better...hurry up and get here.  Until then I'm investing in baseball hats! haha

So there you have it.  The Gray is making its appearance and no one is stopping it.  My hairdresser has been so great.  We have a plan.  She's helping me but the awkward phase is coming.  They say "a year to the ear". Eventually I will take a few inches off.  For now I'm just going to rock it.  Hey, I may even toss a strand or two of purple in there.  Why not?  Might as well be a sporty granny!  

There are two people that truly matter in this.  My husband, who  has my back and I'm abundantly grateful for him.  Then there is me.....I'm currently just avoiding all mirrors.  So if you come to my house you may notice all mirrors are covered.  :)

Let the Gray dayz begin.  🤦


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