Let's Get This Party Started!

Somedays I think I  have so much to say.  Other days I like to just keep that all up inside my head and let it roll around a while.  I've always loved writing things out and  seeing my thoughts on paper.  I love reading blogs and getting a glimpse into the minds and hearts of others on their journey.  This little spot on the old world-wide-web is for me  and all my musings.  Grab a cup of coffee and sit a while  with me.  Whatever season you are currently in there is one thing I am certain of ~~there are others in the same boat  and those who are miles ahead of you.  It's always good to learn from those  who have gone before us.  I'm doing that now with this time we often call mid-life.  

 I love to travel, chat, drink coffee, babysit grandkids (a lot) and quiet dinners with my husband.  We are learning how to navigate our "meet me in the middle" age life.   The kids are grown now.  The grandkids are rolling in every few years.  We have more time to talk and walk and drink our coffee in quiet. WOW sometimes this old house is SO quiet now.  (insert mind still blown over that!)  We are also making the most of serving.  We are knee deep in our church and thankful we are able to do that in this season of life. We are doing our best to use the time we have to be used of God.  It's nothing fancy we are doing but we have been placed where we are because God put us right here!  God knows what He is doing and we are following that hard by faith.  

As we learn to make our way through the middle we are also enjoying the ability to just get up and go.  Did I mention there are distinct upsides to being an empty nester?  You can just get up and go when you  want.  And, we do! :)


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